McIntosh & Otis represents a venerable and diverse list of literature for adults, from canonical authors such as John Steinbeck and Walker Percy to the best of today’s writers. Our books include winners of the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, and the Agatha and Edgar Awards, and have appeared on numerous bestseller lists. We represent estates such as those of John Steinbeck, Jean Plaidy, Victoria Holt, Sinclair Lewis, Upton Sinclair, Cornelius Ryan, and Gary Jennings, and current authors including Elizabeth Spencer, Eleanor Brown, Fred Dannen, Selwyn Raab, Louise Murphy, Karen Lee Boren, and Phyllis Smith. We also represent a number of bestselling, contemporary romance and paranormal fiction authors such as Kimberly Frost, Teri Wilson, Karen Duvall, and Lizbeth Selvig, and New Adult authors including Tillie Cole and Kahlen Aymes.

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