Where Literary Legends Are Born
  • M&O Book Spine Poetry (Round 2)

    April 17, 2015
    In honor of National Poetry Month, this week we browsed our bookshelves once again to engage in one of our favorite pastimes: book spine poetry! Enjoy!   "Adolescents in Love" by Trisha   "Saturday" by Shannon   "Betrayal" by Alecia READ MORE

    What Is The Difference Between a Query Letter and a Synopsis?

    April 9, 2015
    As an agent, one of the most common questions I get from authors who are getting ready to query is “what is the difference between a query letter and a synopsis?” Though they have some marked similarities, these two tools READ MORE

    Rainy Day Reads!

    March 26, 2015
    It's been a drizzly couple of days in NYC, so for this week's blog we thought we'd put together a list of our favorite rainy day reads! Check it out below: Alecia: THE SECRET by Julie Garwood Julie Garwood's THE READ MORE

    Genre Spotlight: Romance

    March 20, 2015
    This week, we'd like to put a spotlight on a genre we love in our office (as well as one that our agents are actively seeking) – romance! Whether you're a dedicated reader or a romance newbie, unsure of where READ MORE

    From the Assistant Desk: So You Want to Be in Publishing…

    March 12, 2015
    With the spring semester well underway and summer fast approaching, we thought it might be time for a post directed at people looking for publishing internships and jobs. So, this is for you! Whether you're still in school or a recent grad, you've given it some thought and you think you want to work in READ MORE

    Louie’s Picks!

    March 5, 2015
    As the M&O office mascot, I thought I'd make my blog debut by putting together some of my favorite books from around the office. While all of these have special appeal for canines, they're great reads for humans, too. There's a READ MORE

    The A to Z’s of YA

    February 27, 2015
    I thought I'd do a fun post this week! Below you'll find The A-Z's of YA novels. In this list there are classics, recent releases, books coming out later this year and everything in between from fantasy to contemporary to READ MORE

    Top 5 Books I’m Looking Forward to Reading in 2015

    February 19, 2015
    As an agent, I am always reading both for pleasure and to keep up with market trends. It is a great way to relax at home, check this out if you don't believe me! My clients often ask me for reading suggestions so they can keep up as well. I thought I'd share my top READ MORE